
Student filmmaking: Tips for telling stories on a budget

Being a student presents a lot of challenges. Read our budgeting tips, and get rolling.

Live Streaming

What to do before going live on camera

Ready for your live event? Here are four things to consider before stepping in front of the lens.

Vimeo can help.*

*With your videos.

Learn more
Live Streaming

Live 101: Things to check before going live

Master the checklist, nail the big event. Our guide to prepping before you go live is here.


3 film genres perfectly suited for 360 video

Creators are leveraging these genres in insanely awesome ways, playing on the inherent strengths built into 360 video.


Turn the camera around: 4 steps to telling your own story

Our pals at Zacuto want to hear your creative journey for a new competition. But telling your own story can be tough. Here's how.


Terms you need to know to create 360 video

From monoscopic source types, to field of view, to equirectangular projection "¦ there's a lot! Our 360 glossary is here to help.


All about contracts: Best practices for filmmakers

Contracts are not only great for when things go wrong, but they can help prevent things going awry from the get-go.


The terms you need to know when making a business video

With this glossary, you"ll be well-prepared to create an engaging video and measure all the right things.


Make your videos pop with color correction perfection

Discover the vibrant world of color correction, learn how it use it, and boost the production value of your films.


Tips for financing your film from women at Sundance

Learn how to pitch investors like a pro with advice from a panel of badass female film professionals.


We all make mistakes! Understand + reduce continuity errors

Most films are riddled with tiny mistakes known as continuity errors. Learn how to identify — and avoid! — these pesky things.


DIY videos 'til ya die!!

You've got skills, so don't keep 'em to yourself! Learn how to make your own highly effective and skill-filled DIY videos.


Make a video resume people actually want to watch, pt. 3

You"ve shot awesome footage for your video resume. But it looks much awesomer when it"s edited.


Make a video resume people actually want to watch, pt. 1

I"ve joined forces with Skillshare to show you how to make a video resume that feels like you (and not like boring resume stuff).