The internet is one of the greatest and most dynamic inventions of all time. At Vimeo, we are proud to provide tools that empower people to express themselves with the rich medium of video and reach the audience of their choice. Yet, there are certain baseline principles that must be adhered to as technology, and people’s use of it, evolves. For Vimeo, one of those principles is safety — both for our users and broader society. Simply put, we do not allow users to upload content that causes real-world harm. The recent horrific events in Washington, D.C. have laid bare the role that misinformation about the 2020 U.S. election has played in inciting real-world violence. When false speech actually threatens the democratic process with violence, it cannot be allowed to proliferate.  As a result, we have updated our Acceptable Use Community Guidelines to make clear that we will remove content containing false or misleading claims about the 2020 presidential election and its aftermath. This includes claims that the election was stolen, fraudulent, or otherwise illegitimate, as well as claims that try to shift the blame for the events of January 6 away from supporters of the current President. We have already begun removing non-compliant election-related content and will continue to do so. Accounts that have previously uploaded such content will be terminated if they continue to upload such content or have demonstrated a propensity to do so. Because events are unfolding rapidly and we must respond in real time, we may not be able to provide detailed explanations for moderation decisions. Thank you for being a part of our community, and for your support in ensuring we maintain a safe and responsible platform. To report abuse, see our instructions here.

Read Vimeo’s Guidelines