At Vimeo, we routinely review and update our content policies to ensure that they remain relevant to our community — both our users and the larger world around us — and that we provide as much clarity as we can. To that end, we’re publishing a new set of Guidelines (formerly the ‘Vimeo Community Guidelines’) and updating our Terms of Service. Our new Guidelines put all of our content policies in a single place so that it’s easier to read, adds concrete examples of what we don’t allow, and includes a couple of new content restrictions. We’ve highlighted the key changes below:

Voting misinformation

We’ve added a new restriction on content that makes false or misleading claims about voting. Voting is the heart of any democracy. Content that deliberately spreads false or misleading information on how to vote or how to register to vote in an election can impair people’s right to vote and negatively impact democratic processes.

Hate speech and hate groups 

In June 2019, we published a blog post that explained our approach to hate speech. We’re now adding information on our working definitions of hate speech and hate groups that reiterates and builds on the points made there. Simply put, hate speech has no place on Vimeo and neither do hate groups. U.S. groups that are designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as a hate group may not create or maintain any account on a Vimeo platform.

Content that may harm children

We work hard to make sure Vimeo is not used to spread content that exploits or endangers children. For example, we’ve partnered with Thorn to help us identify and remove abusive materials. We’ve also decided to restrict content featuring child nudity, regardless of who posted it or with what intention. Our goal is to reduce the chances of others misusing this content.

Health-related misinformation 

Last June, we banned health-related misinformation that has a serious potential to cause real-world harm. In light of the current coronavirus situation, we’re taking the opportunity to flesh this out a little more. In determining whether a claim is true or not, we will look to standards and findings of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or World Health Organization (WHO). By the same token, we’re making explicit that our ban on vaccine misinformation covers: (1) claims that vaccines in general, and the MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine in particular, cause autism; (2) any other claims about vaccine safety that contradict the CDC’s or WHO’s statements; and (3) any claims about a particular vaccine’s safety, efficacy, or approval that is inconsistent with a government authority’s approval of that vaccine.

How we enforce our Guidelines

We’ve added an explanation of how we make decisions about content and what actions users can take to report problematic content or to appeal from a decision restricting their content. We try to make the best decisions we can based upon the content we see, but we won’t always be right, and we’re not afraid to admit that.

Terms of Service changes

We’ve made conforming changes to Section 5 of our Terms of Service (our Acceptable Use Policy) as well as some additional changes throughout the document that are intended to provide greater clarity on the parties’ rights with respect to content moderation decisions.

Read Vimeo’s Guidelines |

Read Vimeo’s Terms of Service