Creator Stories

How Oscar-winner Rayka Zehtabchi found her creative voice

“Everyone has their own journey,” says Rayka Zehtabchi. “Some people's journey starts at the Oscars when they're 25 years old."

Creator Stories

How filmmaker and artist Dan Covert built his creative career

“Nothing’s going to make itself,” says Dan Covert. “The quickest way to build your career is just keep making stuff."

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Creator Stories

This charming short puts the "art" in artificial intelligence

We caught up with Staff Picked filmmaker Chris Carboni to talk about his beguiling AI-powered film, "Hairy Pouter."


That’s a wrap! Our unofficial 2023 jury awards at Sundance Film Festival

We came, we saw, we curated. Check out our favorite shorts from 2023's Sundance Film Festival.


Meet Fast Fwd: Inside Vimeo’s end of year interactive video

From Staff-Picked creators to C-suites — we asked our community for their take on the year to come. Discover all their answers in this interactive video.


Meet Video Matters: A monthly selection of the internet's best videos

From the best new Staff Picks to magnificent marketing work, Video Matters is a monthly selection of Vimeo must-sees.


Staff Pick Premiere: "Dekalb Elementary" by Reed Van Dyck

Based on a 911 call that made national news in 2013, this week’s Staff Pick Premiere is “Dekalb Elementary,” a gripping Oscar-nominated short.


Staff Pick Premiere: "West by God" by Scott Lazer

In this week's Staff Pick Premiere, "West by God," Vimeo Best of the Year recipient Scott Lazer details an intimate power struggle, aka a first date.


Staff Pick Award at Palm Springs ShortFest 2022: “Meantime” by Michael T Workman

A deeply personal exploration of memory, guilt, the toxicity of capitalism and the attempt to preserve the fleeting.


Staff Pick Premiere: "The Tunnel" by Arash Ashtiani

Three refugees run the race of their lives from Calais to Dover through the Euro Tunnel in Arash Ashtiani's "The Tunnel."


Dolby Vision x Ghetto Film School's Finish the Script Challenge

Vimeo has partnered with Ghetto Film School and Dolby Vision to bring to life a new series of short films. Watch them here.


Staff Pick Premiere: "Genius Loci" by Adrien Merigeau

Adrien Merigeau's Oscar-nominated short "Genius Loci" takes viewers on a bonafide fever dream.


Staff Pick Premiere: “Ghost Dogs” by Joe Cappa

Joe Cappa's "Ghost dogs" is a Staff Pick Premiere! These ghosts are part dog, part human, but fully dead. You've never seen anything like this.


Staff Pick Premiere: "Charlotte" by Zach Dorn

In this week’s Staff Pick Premiere, forgotten folk singer Lena Black discovers her fifty-year-old song “Charlotte” has been remade into a hit pop song.