Grab their attention with an infographic video.

Visualize company data or perfect your corporate pitch with a video infographic.

A man sits at a computer learning how to make a marketing infographic

How to create an infographic video.


Choose a pre-made template.

Browse Vimeo’s animated infographic maker templates to get started with your video. They’re professionally designed and ready to customize.


Add images and video.

Upload the photos and video clips you want to use in your infographic. Short on media? Choose from the Vimeo Create stock library instead.


Customize your infographic.

Use our selection of tools, including shapes, video transitions, and music, to add the right elements to your animated infographic.


Save and share.

Share your infographic video on social media, download it to attach to emails, or copy an embed code to place it on your website.

Create an animated infographic that’ll get you noticed.

Infographic videos feature the same information as an infographic image but with way more pizazz. Use Vimeo’s infographic video maker to create one of your own in minutes. Lean on the following tips to help yours stand out.

Mockup of an infographic video in Vimeo Create

Keep it short and sweet.

It’s best practice to make infographic videos as easy to digest as possible. In most cases, that means wrapping it up before 90 seconds — less than 60 seconds is even better. In that time, be sure to use visual elements that draw attention to key data points and consider how fonts, font sizes, and headings can make a difference.

Make the first few seconds count.

Your audience will decide whether to continue watching or switch to another video within the first few seconds of your animated infographic. Make your opener one they can’t ignore by using a salient statistic, quote, or question right in the beginning.

Avoid visual clutter.

Infographic videos should strike a balance between visual elements and text. Give your audience the information they need in the most concise ways, rather than cluttering the video with text and animations. Use a solid background to make everything else stand out.

Frequently asked questions.

What is an infographic video?

Think of an infographic video as an animated infographic. Infographics showcase information in an eye-catching visual format. An infographic video does that, too, but with moving parts that could appeal to more viewers and quickly grab attention.

How do you make a good infographic video?

A good infographic video should display information in a way that’s easy for viewers to digest. An attractive color scheme and simple visual elements can go a long way. Use Vimeo’s infographic video software for free to create one in minutes using one of our premade templates.

Is infographic video more effective than infographics?

An infographic video could be more effective than a static infographic depending on your content goals. For audiences that tend to consume and share more video content, an infographic video could give them just what they need to click the ‘Share’ button.

Make an infographic video today.