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Create thank you videos to show your gratitude.

How to make a compelling thank you video.

Get started
  1. Choose a customizable video template.
    Start your thank you video off right by choosing one of our customizable, professionally-designed templates. You don’t have to be a pro video editor to show thanks. 
  2. Add images from Vimeo’s stock library.
    Use Vimeo Create’s full library of stock images or, add your own video clips. 
  3. Customize your video.
    Make custom thank you videos that match your personality by editing colors, text, filters, animations, and more. 
  4. Save and share your video.
    Save your video in Vimeo Create and share it directly to social media, or download it to share with friends or loved ones on any platform.

Pro tips for expressing your gratitude with video.

Follow these best practices to create a thoughtful thank you video that showcases your thanks and appreciation.

Make it short and sweet.

When it comes to showing your gratitude in a video, keep things short. Keep a target of just one or two minutes in length to get your message across. Have fun with it! If you’re making a short video to say thanks to someone—whether they’re your neighbor down the street or a friend halfway across the world—everyone wants to feel appreciated. 

Include photos or videos of the person you’re thanking.

If you’re creating a video to thank your best friend or family member, consider using personalized footage of your favorite memories with them. This will make your thank you video more like a living album for memories with the people you care about.

Use a script, but make it personal.

If you’re filming yourself for your thank you video, there’s nothing wrong with using a script to guide your video and message. In fact, it’s encouraged to know what you want to say before you start filming. However, authenticity is key. Speak directly to who you’re thanking in a genuine way. Rather than reading from your script, practice walking through your video before you film to get comfortable with your message.

Thank you video frequently asked questions.

  • What do you say in a thank you video?
    • Your thank you video can include any message of gratitude you want to share with whether it’s a video thanking someone for their long-term support or a highlight reel of your favorite moments with friends or even colleagues. If you’re big on social media, you might thank your followers for helping you reach big milestones. Because video can feel awkward for some people, start with a script to hone in your message and stay on topic.
  • How can a thank you video look professional?
    • There are several ways to make your video look polished, even if you’re not a professional video producer or editor. 

      If you’re shooting a personalized message of gratitude, you’ve gotta find the right lighting. Shooting outside can help your video look crisp and clear, but if you need to shoot inside, find an area with plenty of natural light. Next, shoot in an area without distractions, like sounds, people, or busy backgrounds.

      When you’re ready to edit your video, use Vimeo Create’s fully stocked library of professional templates, stunning stock footage, and fun stickers to create a truly memorable thank you video.
  • How long should a thank you video be?
    • It’s best to stick to a length of one to two minutes for your thank you video. If you’re posting your thank you to social media, follow the platform’s video requirements. One to two minutes in length is perfect for saying what you want to say while holding your viewers’ attention. Use Vimeo’s thank you video maker to edit your thank you video clips into a video that’s focused and expresses your appreciation.

Create an engaging thank you video right now.